Valgfri dressing til alle salater
1. Vegetarsalat (7,8,15)
Agurk, paprika, ananas, sjampinjong, asparges og ost.
Cucumber, bell pepper, pineapple, champignon, aspargurs and cheese.
2. Helt Gresk (7,14)
Fetaost, løk, salat, tomat, agurk, oliven, paprika og eddikolje.
Cucumber, fetacheese, onion, tomatoes, olives, bell pepper and vinagar oil.
3. Tunfisk salat (7,9,14)
Tunfisk, løk, salat, tomat, agurk, oliven, paprika og ost.
Tuna, onion, salad, tomatoes, cucumber, olives, bell pepper and cheese.
4. Vestkystsalat (7,10,11,15)
Reker, agurk, paprika, salat, sjampinjong, tomat og ost.
Shrimps, cucumber, bell pepper, salad, champignon, tomatoes and cheese.
5. Du Chef (7,8)
Ost, skinke, salat, agurk, tomat og ananas.
Cheese, ham, salad, cucumber, tomatoes and pineapple.
6. Kyllingsalat (7,8,15)
Kylling, salat, agurk, tomat, ananas, sjampinjong og ost.
Chicken, salad, cucumber, tomatoes, pineapple, champignon and cheese.
7. Rekesalat (8,10)
Reker, salat, agurk, ananas og sitron.
Shrimps, salad, tomatoes, cucumber, pineapple and lemon.
8. Ekstra dressing (1)