7. Rekesalat (8,10) 7. Rekesalat (8,10) 185,- Reker, salat, agurk, ananas og sitron. Shrimps, salad, tomatoes, cucumber, pineapple and lemon.
6. Kyllingsalat (7,8,15) 6. Kyllingsalat (7,8,15) 180,- Kylling, salat, agurk, tomat, ananas, sjampinjong og ost. Chicken, salad, cucumber, tomatoes, pineapple, champignon and cheese.
5. Du Chef (7,8) 5. Du Chef (7,8) 180,- Ost, skinke, salat, agurk, tomat og ananas. Cheese, ham, salad, cucumber, tomatoes and pineapple.
4. Vestkystsalat (7,10,11,15) 4. Vestkystsalat (7,10,11,15) 185,- Reker, agurk, paprika, salat, sjampinjong, tomat og ost. Shrimps, cucumber, bell pepper, salad, champignon, tomatoes and cheese.
3. Tunfisk salat (7,9,14) 3. Tunfisk salat (7,9,14) 180,- Tunfisk, løk, salat, tomat, agurk, oliven, paprika og ost. Tuna, onion, salad, tomatoes, cucumber, olives, bell pepper and cheese.
2. Helt Gresk (7,14) 2. Helt Gresk (7,14) 180,- Fetaost, løk, salat, tomat, agurk, oliven, paprika og eddikolje. Cucumber, fetacheese, onion, tomatoes, olives, bell pepper and vinagar oil.
1. Vegetarsalat (7,8,15) 1. Vegetarsalat (7,8,15) 170,- Agurk, paprika, ananas, sjampinjong, asparges og ost. Cucumber, bell pepper, pineapple, champignon, aspargurs and cheese.