5. Sjokoladefontdant (7) 5. Sjokoladefontdant (7) 100,- Sjokoladefontant serveres med 1 kule med is, krem og sjokoladesaus Chockolatefontant served with 1 ball of ice topped with chockolatesaus
4. Oreokake (2,7) 4. Oreokake (2,7) 100,- Serveres med 1 kule med is, kre og sjokoladesaus Oreocake served with 1 ball of ice, cream and chockolatesaus
3. Eplekake (1,2,6,7) 3. Eplekake (1,2,6,7) 100,- Hjemmelaget varm eplekake med is og sjokoladesaus Homemade warm applecake with icecream and chockolatesaus
2. Banansplit (7) 2. Banansplit (7) 95,- Banan, is og sjokolade Banana and icecream topped with chocolatesauce
1. Copa 3 amore (7) 1. Copa 3 amore (7) 90,- Tre sorter is med sjokoladesaus Three flavours of ice topped with chocolatesauce